Monday, 2 May 2011

Back to work

I've just finished my five weeks of holidays and am so excited to see all my kids tomorrow. The one thing that is worrying me is how to make show and tell time more beneficial to the whole group. As I have 24 children a day with about 8-10 children having show and tell each day sometimes it can get boring. I need some new ideas. Currently we pack away our sheets from rest time and call out the names of the children on the list for show and tell to collect their items. Everyone sits on the mat and we go through each person for that day. I'm thinking of splitting the group in half and have my assistant take some of the children to do help them do their show and tell. Perhaps doing the whole group in a circle so they can take turns to pass the object around. Maybe doing it with the lights off or outside or in the sandpit. The children presenting love to see it's their day but the audience are getting restless. Any suggestions??


  1. we do show and tell every day with the invitation for everyone to bring something related to our letter of the week.

    then i lay everything out and we find out "who brought it" and "what it is" and then during work time, the children can show us how it works, etc.

    this keeps it short enough to keep the attention of our friends, but still gives the show and tell items honor!

    good luck figuring out what works for your class. : )

  2. That's a good idea to have everything available to the group. It might make it more interesting for the children who aren't interested in certain things to have a look at the other items available. I might try this today and have the group close their eyes whilst the show and tell items are laid out. Thanks
